Powers of Attorney in Louisville

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Louisville POAs

Considered a crucial part of estate planning, power of attorneys centers on a person signing a document which allows another individual or organization to manage financial or medical affairs, property, or other related matters should the person become incapacitated mentally or physically. However, since there are multiple types of powers of attorney, consult with estate planning attorneys at Michener Mullins & Arrington to reach the best decisions for your situation.

Power of Attorney Experts

Since much thought will need to go into deciding which power of attorneys is needed for your situation and whom should be given this tremendous decision-making authority, never rely on attorneys who do not focus in this area of law. Instead, schedule a consultation soon with Michener Mullins & Arrington. to handle your affairs once you pass away, a trust lawyer or real estate lawyer can explain key differences between wills & trusts.

General Power of Attorney

Giving broad powers to another person or organization, a general power of attorney will allow them to handle many things. Some of the most common include settling claims, operating business interests, and handling various financial and business transactions.

Durable Power of Attorney

If you already have a general power of attorney in effect, you might want to turn it into a durable power of attorney. This document, which is simply a general POA that contains a durability clause to keep it in effect should you be involved in an accident or have an illness that leaves you mentally incompetent, can ensure business can proceed as usual should the unthinkable happen.

Medical Power of Attorney

Similar to a living will, a medical power of attorney will let you grant another person authority over making medically-related decisions about your care should you be mentally incompetent or unconscious and unable to make decisions on your own. In many cases, this type of power of attorneys will allow you to specify if you wish to be kept on life support.

Contact Louisville’s Powers of Attorney Lawyers

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